Who We Are & What We Do
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.

I’m an item. Click here to edit me.
I’m an item. Click here to edit me.
I’m an item. Click here to edit me.
I’m an item. Click here to edit me.
I’m an item. Click here to edit me.
Meet the Team

How do I customize my Profile?1. When you open Kikori, you’ll be on the Discover Activities screen. There’s a circle to the right of the heading. If you are a new user, this may be a solid purple circle or have your first initial in it. Once you add a profile image, that image will appear in the circle. 2. Click that circle to get into your Profile screen. 3. At the top right of this screen, click on the pencil tool and it will pop up pencil tools next to all the fields you can edit: your profile image, name, role and bio. 4. Click the check mark at the upper right to exit edit mode. Fun Facts: Within your bio, you can share all about who you are including links you want to share with fellow Kikori members, such as your website or blog! The Settings button brings up more fields you can edit, like your email address and password!
How do I change my password and other settings?1. Open your Profile (see How do I customize my Profile? for more information) 2. Click the Settings button. 3. Scroll down and click on Password. 4. Enter your Current and New Password and click Change Password. Note: Your password must be at least 6 characters long. Fun Fact: From Settings, you can also: see and update your membership plan; change your username, country, language, and role; view our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service; contact us; open this FAQ page; and log out of Kikori.
How do I cancel my premium membership?Open your Profile page. Click on Settings. Click on Update Membership. You will see 'Current Plan' next to the membership level you currently have. Choose the Essentials (free) plan to end your paid plan. Your membership will be set to cancel at the end of your current billing cycle. If you have any questions, please contact support@kikoriapp.com for assistance. We'll be happy to help!
How do I log out?The log out button is at the bottom of the Settings screen on your profile page.
Can I change the email on my Kikori account?Yes! From your profile screen, choose settings and click on your email. Enter your new email and click change email.
How can I let the Kikori Community know about services I offer?Within your bio on your profile, you can share all about who you are and the experiential education services you offer. You can even include links to your own website or blog.
How do I purchase Kikori for my School or District?Please visit our Plans & Pricing Page and locate the "For Schools/ Districts" Tab
How do I purchase an individual Kikori membership for just me?Please visit our Plans & Pricing Page and locate the "For Individuals" Tab
What is Experiential Education?Experiential Education is learning by doing. More specifically, it follows the Experiential Learning Cycle. At Kikori, we describe the cyle like this: Play: Engage in direct experience Reflect: Participate in intentional reflection Connect: Make real world connections Grow: Internalize and apply learning
Where does the name Kikori come from?When searching for the perfect name for our app, co-founders, Bryn and Kendra brainstormed a BUNCH of different things. Bryn's favorite quote is that “No man steps in the same river twice because the river is always changing and so is the (wo)man” by Heraclitus. She felt like that perfectly describes experiential education activities because an educator and facilitator can run the same activity ten times and get ten different results. The facilitator is always changing, the participants are also always developing, and the activity itself is always evolving. With that in mind, Bryn began looking up the longest undammed rivers in the world. She found the longest undammed river in Papua New Guinea was the Kikori. Papua New Guinea is also one of the world’s most linguistically diverse countries.
How do I share Feedback?1. At the top right of every screen is a Circle. If you are a new user, you may not have your picture yet in which case you may have the letter of your first name. Click that circle to open your Profile screen. 2. Click the Feedback button. 3. Share away! We would love to know any suggestions you have for updates, ideas you have for the app in general, or anything else you would like to share! Click Send Feedback when you are done.
What’s the difference between a public and private activity?A public activity is available to all users of the Kikori app. Public activities are subject to Kikori review before being published. A private activity can be shared within your organization or to users of your choice without being widely available. Private activities are not quality reviewed by Kikori. Creating private activities is a premium feature. Click on Update Membership from your profile screen to sign up!
How do I create an activity on the Kikori app?With the NEW Web App, entering your activities on Kikori is easier than ever! Log in and press “+Create” on the Discover Activities screen
What makes an activity a Kikori activity?Do you have a group team building activity to share? A creative art project? If presented with experiential learning or social emotional learning in mind, all of these have a place on Kikori! One of Kikori's main goals is to support educators in utilizing experiential education and so the Play and Learn sections of each activity include the stages of the Kikori learning cycle: Play, Reflect, Connect, Grow. These stages are based on Kolb’s experiential learning cycle. Play provides the Concrete Experience that begins the cycle. Reflect, or asking variations of ‘what happened?’, provides time for Reflective Observation. Connect this experience to other experiences with ‘so what?’ questions, Abstract Conceptualization. Grow with ‘now what?’ questions that propel new Active Experimentation.
Can I cut and paste an activity into the app?Yes! If you are creating on the Web App, you can paste in your activity information from an existing document! This is a great way to easily format your text or insert special characters. Check back soon for a link to a formatted template!
What do the different Energy levels mean?1 lightning bolt = low energy, for example, sitting 2 lightning bolts = medium energy, for example, standing, walking 3 lightning bolts = high energy, for example, running, jumping, dancing
What do the different Group Structures mean?Individual: Activities that include steps done as an individual. Static Pairs: Participants in the activity are paired up and complete the activity with that partner. Mingling Pairs: Participants mingle, by wandering around the room or, to find temporary partners and may change partners throughout the activity. Small Groups: The group will be split into smaller groups for the activity. Whole Group: The entire group will participate in the activity together. Circle Activity: The activity is played with the group in a circle. 50+ People: Activities suited for large groups of 50 people or more.
What do all the Attributes mean?Attributes are keywords that help find the right activity for a variety of contexts. Opener: Establish purpose and engage participants in a powerful way Closer: Reinforce what participants learned by ending lesson and create lasting impression Communication: Focus on feedback, listening and the environment to build connections Name Game: Build initial connections through name recognition games Action Song: Enhance mind-body coordination through putting words and actions together Running Game: Incorporate kinesthetic learning through tag and chasing games Instructional: Bring playful tone to group and turns commonly used instructions into a game Creative Game: Activate the right side of the brain through games involving imagination and creativity Focus Game: Increase ability to focus and stay alert through engaging activities Appreciation: Practice praising, acknowledging, encouraging and inspiring others Social Contract: Create agreement between leader and participants about values, rules, expectations and consequences Goal Setting: Motivate and guide energy toward a common objective by setting realistic goals Transitions: Support students in moving through activity or to next activity by fun movement activity Attention Getters: Get participants' attention through creative signal Simulation: Provides opportunities to explore ideas and characters from real-life situations Virtual Activity: Modifications that allow participants to play activity virtually Physical Distancing: Activity that can be played with no contact and at least 6 feet apart Assessment: Used to gauge participation level of involvement, satisfaction or emotions Outdoors: Activity has nature focus or is able to be played outdoors
What are the different activity Categories?Ice Melter: Welcome participants in a low-risk way that encourages more comfortable interactions Energizer: Awaken senses and bring laughter through quick, engaging games Team Builder: Increase levels of risk and support to build trusting relationships Problem Solver: Develop analytical and team-building skills through initiatives, challenges and puzzles Reflections: Invite opportunities for individuals to think critically about their own experiences Creative Project: Bring out right brain creative and collaborative processes through the arts Mindfulness: Build awareness and perspective through focusing on being present Community Service: Practice collaboration and stewardship through addressing community needs Tips & Tricks: Facilitating techniques and strategies for spicing up activities and behavioral management
What is the Kikori Experiential Approach?Our platform is designed to facilitate hands-on, interactive experiences that promote collaboration, communication, and critical thinking skills. We believe that learning is most effective when students are actively engaged in the learning process. That's why our team building activities are designed to be fun, engaging, and immersive, creating opportunities for students to learn and grow in a supportive and stimulating environment. Through experiential learning, students have the chance to apply theoretical concepts in real-world contexts, make connections between their experiences and learning objectives, and develop essential social-emotional skills such as empathy, resilience, and self-awareness. By engaging in experiential activities on our platform, students not only deepen their understanding of academic content but also cultivate important life skills that will serve them well beyond the classroom.
What are Playlists?Playlists are saved collections of Kikori activities. You can create a ‘shuffle’ collection of your favorite brain breaks, debriefs, animal-themed activities... to grab from at any time. If you’re planning a program, you can arrange your playlist in a sequence like a lesson plan for the day, week or semester. Just getting started? The Kikori community has already created many playlist carefully crafted to walk your participants through the progressive stages of group development. We spotlight them and share them out in our newsletters, blogs, and social media! Playlists are a Premium Feature available with a Monthly, Annual, or Organizational Membership.
How do I find a Playlist that was shared with me?1. Click on the blue diamond 'Heart Home' icon in the middle of the bottom navigation bar to open your Home screen. 2. Click My Playlists. 3. Click the right most tab, Shared.
I've been using Kikori, but now I can't login. How do I get back in?"You may have created your account by clicking Continue with Gmail. If you did, you'll want to use that method to log in each time.
What do I do if I created multiple accounts by accident?So many emails, so many ways to log in! It's easy to end up with duplicates. If you'd like to remove a duplicate account, please email support@kikoriapp.com. We'll follow up with you to confirm which account you want to keep, and which email is the duplicate account that should be removed. (hint: if you have created activities, keep that account!)
How do I log in if I got an error saying 'Invalid Password'?1. Launch the Kikori App on your mobile device or desktop 2. Click on the Forgot Password text. 3. Enter the email linked to your Kikori account in the window that pops up and click Send Recovery Email. (If you are a member through your school, your school address is probably the one associated with your account). 4. Check your email for an message from noreply@kikori-62df6.firebaseapp.com Please check the spam folder as well in case it is filtered out. The email will read: Hello, Follow this link to reset your Kikori password for your <email> account. </email> If you didn’t ask to reset your password, you can ignore this email. Thanks, Your Kikori team 5. The link will bring up a web page with a small box prompting for a new password. Enter the desired password and Save. You should be all set to log back in!
The app seems really slow. Sometimes it won't open at all. I'm not seeing the new activities I keep hearing about. What's happening?It sounds like you might be trying to log in to the beta version which is no longer supported. The great news is that the live version is ready and waiting for you! Please uninstall and reinstall the app from the App Store or Google Play or, log in to the desktop version with the Login/Sign Up button at the top of this page!
How do I remove the beta version from my Android phone or device?Touch and hold the app icon on your phone and select Uninstall from the popup menu. If you don't have that option, you can open Play Store, Click on your account, and click on My apps & games. Scroll to find Kikori, click on it and click on Uninstall. Now you're ready to install the latest version from Google Play!
How do I remove the beta version from my iPhone or Apple device?Find the Kikori icon on your device. Click and hold, then choose remove app. You're now ready to download the latest version from the App Store!
Request a CallPlease leave your name, phone #, and email in the chat and a member of our team will reach out within 5 business hours.