Who We Are & What We Do
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Meet the Team
Kikori Federal Funding
Kikori provides educators and counselors with a whole-school SEL solution at their fingertips - all aligned with SEL standards, 21st Century Skills and Sustainable Development Goals. With a robust library of SEL activities and lessons, curated calendars and online tools for creating, sharing and tracking the use of Kikori within schools, Kikori provides a whole school, whole child solution that benefits the entire community. Kikori works to ensure our product meets the requirements for many federal funding sources. Learn how Kikori fits within allowable funding ESSA, IDEA, and ESSER.
Funding for Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA)
Kikori provides educators and counselors with a whole-school SEL solution at their fingertips - all aligned with SEL standards, 21st Century Skills and Sustainable Development Goals. With a robust library of SEL activities and lessons, curated calendars and online tools for creating, sharing and tracking the use of Kikori within schools, Kikori provides a whole school, whole child solution that benefits the entire community. Kikori works to ensure our product meets the requirements for many federal funding sources. Learn how Kikori fits within allowable funding under Titles I, II, III and IV of ESSA.
The largest source of federal funding to schools is from Title I, which provides over $17.5 billion to schools that serve a high number or high percentage of children from low-income families to ensure that these children are able to meet challenging state academic standards.
Kikori supports Title I schools and surrounding communities for the basic purpose for which Title I was created—to give all children, regardless of family income, the opportunity and support to achieve or exceed proficiency on challenging state academic standards.
Kikori’s activities give students the opportunity to develop and practice social, emotional and cognitive skills across many different contexts, which is proven to accelerate academic learning. Graduation rates increase by 20% in the first year; student achievement increases by at least 11 points on high-stake tests; and expulsions and suspensions are reduced by 50%.
Kikori empowers low-income students through the power of experiential education in social and emotional learning to improve academics, increase a sense of belonging, and deepen relationships.
Kikori’s mission is to democratize access to experiential education. Kikori’s beliefs are that all children, youth and adults deserve access to high quality education. Through this social mission, Kikori aids educators, facilitators, therapists, and corporate trainers around the globe to discover and implement meaningful SEL and experiential activities with participants.
Kikori supports family engagement by providing parental access to activities and instructional materials. Parents and guardians are able to interact with the platform and access social and emotional learning resources that promote topics such as student mindfulness, reflection, community service and creativity.
Kikori produces cost-free professional development opportunities over the summer to support the continuous growth of educators who serve Title I students.
The goal of Title I, Part D is preventing at-risk youth from dropping out of school and to help children and youth returning from correctional facilities or institutions for neglected or delinquent children and youth with a support system to ensure their continued education and the involvement of their families and communities. The US Department of Education funds $48 million toward this initiative.
Kikori’s curriculum is designed to meet children and youth where they are to build healthy habits, skills, and mindsets; the fundamental building blocks needed to achieve the goals of Title I Part D for at-risk youth.
Kikori supports Title I Part D teachers and staff by providing training, resources, and educational content for social-emotional learning that follows CASEL guidance.
As Kikori follows CASEL guidance for social-emotional learning, interventions from the CASEL metadata show that social-emotional learning programs boost student academic achievement.
With Kikori’s focus on self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making, students are provided the opportunity, skills, and support needed to prevent dropping out of school or returning to correctional facilities.
Kikori provides guidance for trauma-informed modifications and considerations for its SEL activities.
Title II is focused on preparing, training, and recruiting high quality teachers and principals. With a focus on increasing student academic achievement through strategies such as improving teacher quality, Title II funds professional development activities that are sustained, intensive, collaborative, job-embedded, data-driven, and classroom-focused.
Kikori understands the demands and time constraints of educators. As a result, professional development training over the platform is efficient, effective and can be asynchronous, making for a flexible and meaningful training experience.
Kikori collaborates directly with nonprofit organizations and school leadership teams to customize meaningful SEL programming to the progress of supporting students’ mental health and needs as well as the progression of families and educators.
Title III provides federal funding that is focused on ensuring that English learners, including immigrant children and youth, attain English proficiency and develop high levels of academic achievement in English, and meet the same challenging academic state standards as their English speaking peers. Title III can be used to assist teachers and leaders in establishing, implementing, and sustaining effective language instruction, educational programs and/or to promote family and community participation in educational language instruction programs for the parents, families, and communities of English learners.
Kikori provides activities that not only encourage students to build their social and emotional learning, but also support English language acquisition via experiential education and scaffolded instruction that uses simplified language to engage English Language Learners.
Title IV is a block grant that provides over $3.8 billion in funding to school safety, well-rounded education, and educational technology initiatives. Under the CARES, CRRSA and ARP Acts, these funds can now be used to fund any of these three priorities: providing students with a well-rounded education, maintaining student health and safety, and purchasing and implementing education technology and systems.
Kikori helps to maintain student health and safety with activities and curriculum to build the social emotional skills to lead emotionally healthy, balanced lives.
With a focus on self-awareness, self management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making, Kikori’s curriculum helps to foster SEL competencies that complement the CASEL Framework, which aids in providing students with a well-rounded education.
Kikori’s activities can be shared by teachers to provide families served by community learning centers the opportunities for active and meaningful engagement in their children’s education, including opportunities for self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and relationship skills.
Kikori’s digital tools provide a digital planning and collaboration platform for teachers around SEL and experiential education activities, strengthening schoolwide implementation. Administrators and teachers can track progress and success of activities within the platform.
Kikori’s activities are tagged to SEL standards including CASEL, Panorama and others, through curated playlists available for specific standards and domains.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is the federal law ensuring students with disabilities receive a free and appropriate public education. IDEA governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education and related services to eligible infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities. Second only in size to Title I funds, school districts receive IDEA funds to help pay for the cost of providing services and education to children with disabilities.
Kikori’s experiential and SEL curriculum are aligned with many students' IEP goals centered around self-awareness, self management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.
In response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), the U.S. Congress passed the CARES Act, CRRSA Act and ARP Act - relief packages designed in part to provide states with both funding and streamlined waivers to give state educational agencies (SEAs) necessary flexibilities to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The relief packages included almost $200 billion in emergency education funding, channeled for public schools mainly through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER Fund). State awards for the ESSER Funds, rounds I, II and III, are in the same proportion that each state received under Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended, in fiscal year (FY) 2019–20.
Kikori’s offerings are authorized under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and IDEA, as outlined above in funding descriptions for Titles I, II, IV, and IDEA.
Kikori’s instructional resources support educators as they navigate students’ social, emotional, mental health concerns, creativity deficits and setbacks due to the pandemic.
Through these instructional resources, Kikori has provided educational activities to address the disruption of the lives of individuals who depend on community services.
Kikori’s instructional design targets the extreme learning loss, trauma and social isolation students have experienced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Kikori provides specific interventions for students who need focus on their social and emotional growth, allowing teachers to directly address student learning loss across SEL competencies.
Kikori supports all students by building connectedness to school and community.
Because Kikori’s unique, manageable online modules can be accessed at any time, the content can be utilized in a multitude of settings, including in core academic classes, remote, whole-class, hybrid learning, enrichment, intervention, after-school, and summer enrichment programs.
Kikori is recognized by and partners with the American Camp Association as a resource for SEL activities in camp environments.