October Morning Meeting & Advisory Planners
Updated: Nov 10, 2022
Welcome to Kikori! We create Morning Meeting and Advisory Meeting planners that support the Responsive Classrooms framework! Why are Morning Meetings and Advisory SO IMPORTANT for our students?
Just some of the benefits include the grounding routine provided to students when they enter your classroom, the opportunity for students to openly express themselves and share their feelings, and the teamwork and cooperation that occurs during the group activity.
Most importantly... when your students feel safe and connected, they're better able to LEARN! High School teacher, Summer Anguiano, stated that Morning Meetings promote a more “student-centered” approach to learning, which doesn’t mean throwing away your school curriculum altogether; she emphasizes that she “learned that shifting [her] focus from being content-driven to student-driven had more of an impact on the willingness of[ her] learners to engage with the classroom content.”
How to use your Morning Meeting and Advisory planners
Both planners provide you with daily experiential, social emotional learning activities that you can do with your students including the following:
Greeting activity
Sharing or Acknowledging Activity
Special Day Activity (i.e. National Never Give Up Day!)
Morning Message or Announcement
Themed Daily Activity for Mindful Monday, Together Tuesday, Wellness Wednesday, Thoughtful Thursday and Fun Friday!
Both planners are aligned to CASEL Social Emotional Learning Standards, 21st Century Skills and Sustainable Development Skills.
Download the first week of October for free below and learn more about how to access the rest of the October Planners in the Kikori Platform!
Morning Meeting- Elementary Planner

Download Week 1 of the October Morning Meeting Calendar!
Advisory Meeting- Middle/ High Planner

Download Week 1 of the October Advisory Calendar!
How to get to the Activities:

Want all four weeks of October?
Upgrade your individual Kikori plan to Premium or
If you would like more about our school-wide experiential, SEL package, reach out for a demo!